Finally, after more than a year since the last draft amendment came out in 2019, a new draft has been submitted to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee for deliberation on June 28, 2020. The newest version is now published for public comments until August 16, 2020. As a whole, these proposed changes address a lot of the criticisms people have had regarding the strength of IP protection in China. These changes, once implemented, will make China a much more patent-friendly jurisdiction, benefiting innovators worldwide. Examples of notable changes include (1) a longer patent term for new drugs and design patents; (2) patent linkage; (3) litigation reform such as significantly…
- China, Patent Linkage, Patent Term Extension, Pharma, Proposed Changes, Regulatory, Updates and Changes
Stealing Trade Secrets: How the Chinese Court Criminally Sentences Employees that Steal Trade Secrets – 2019 China’s Top 50 Representative IP Cases
The theft of trade secrets has always been a deep concern of foreign companies thinking of doing business in China, whether it be sharing protocols with a manufacturing partner, providing technology details to a potential investor, or sharing results from an R&D collaboration. How can businesses ensure that employees do not steal secrets and share them with others, such as competitors? If such stealing occurs, what are the consequences? Recently, China chose to highlight this topic in one of its Top 50 Representative IP Cases. Hua Xing v. Lin, Ye, and Zheng (2018 粤13刑终361号) emphasizes the criminal nature of violating and misappropriating trade secrets and the possible consequences for those…
Every year in the spring The Supreme People’s Court of PRC announces its “Top 10 Intellectual Property (IP) cases” and “50 typical IP cases in Chinese courts” of the year. Although not having precedential weight, these cases serve as a reference and guide people’s courts at all levels regarding their intellectual property trials. It’s always interesting to see which cases get chosen, since it reflects what concepts and messages the Courts want to highlight to the public. The new list of 2019 top cases came out on 7 Apr 2020. Today we will discuss a case that touches upon issues relating to claims that are written with an ambiguous mix…